
Franklin FTSE China ETF

Logotipo presentado por Benzinga Data
Consumer Cyclical
Fund Score

Franklin FTSE China ETF (ARCA:FLCH) Cotizaciones y resumen de noticias

Franklin FTSE China ETF (ARCA: FLCH) cotización, noticias, gráficos, investigación bursátil, perfil.

Máximo de 52 semanas$23.68
Fecha Ex-Divjun 21, 2024
Capitalización bursátil$20.86B
Tarifa de gestión0.19%
Ratio PER20.48
Cierre anterior$19.02
Mínimo de 52 semanas$14.24
Acciones en circulación7.00M
Frec. de Div.S
Promedio Volumen diario24.81K
Promedio Relación de gastos0.19%
Relación P/B2.71



¿Cómo puedo comprar la acción de Franklin FTSE China ETF (FLCH)?


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¿Quiénes son los competidores de Franklin FTSE China ETF (FLCH)?


No hay competidores como tal para Franklin FTSE China ETF.


¿Cuál es el pronóstico o precio objetivo para las acciones de Franklin FTSE China ETF (FLCH)?


No existe ningún análisis de Franklin FTSE China ETF que proporcione un precio objetivo de consenso.


¿Cuál es el precio actual de las acciones de Franklin FTSE China ETF (FLCH)?


El precio de las acciones de Franklin FTSE China ETF (ARCA: FLCH) es de 19.02 dólares, actualizado por última vez el 29 de enero de 2025, 15:23 GMT-5.


¿Franklin FTSE China ETF (FLCH) paga dividendos?


Un dividendo trimestral en efectivo de 0.10 por acción de Acciones Ordinarias de Clase A. El dividendo trimestral en efectivo fue pagadero el junio 27, 2018 a los accionistas registrados el junio 20, 2018.


¿Cuándo Franklin FTSE China ETF (ARCA:FLCH) publicará los resultados?


No hay informes de resultados previstos para Franklin FTSE China ETF.


¿Franklin FTSE China ETF (FLCH) se va a dividir?


No hay ninguna división de acciones prevista para Franklin FTSE China ETF.

Máximo de 52 semanas$23.68
Fecha Ex-Divjun 21, 2024
Capitalización bursátil$20.86B
Tarifa de gestión0.19%
Ratio PER20.48
Cierre anterior$19.02
Mínimo de 52 semanas$14.24
Acciones en circulación7.00M
Frec. de Div.S
Promedio Volumen diario24.81K
Promedio Relación de gastos0.19%
Relación P/B2.71
ETF Details
SectorConsumer Cyclical
CategoryHigh Performer-High Growth
Investment StyleLarge Cap Growth
Fund Inceptionnov 2, 2017
Basit Amin
Joe Diederich
Hailey Harris
Dina Ting
DefinitionA Equity Fund portfolio full of stocks with both strong financial performance and superior growth potential
Investment Policy
Under normal market conditions, the Fund invests at least 80 percent of its assets in the component securities of the FTSE China Capped Index and in depositary receipts representing such securities. The FTSE China Capped Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index maintained and calculated by FTSE Russell with a capping methodology applied quarterly to issuer weights so that no single issuer of a component exceeds 25 percent of the FTSE China Capped Index weight, and all issuers with weights above 5 percent do not cumulatively exceed 50 percent of the FTSE China Capped Indexs weight. The FTSE China Capped Index is based on the FTSE China Index and is designed to measure the performance of Chinese large- and mid-capitalization stocks, as represented by H-Shares (securities of companies incorporated in the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) that are denominated in Hong Kong dollars and listed on the Hong Kong Exchange), B-Shares (securities of companies incorporated in the PRC that are denominated in U.S. dollars or Hong Kong dollars and listed for foreign investment on either the Shanghai or Shenzhen stock exchanges) and A-Shares (securities of companies incorporated in the PRC that are denominated in Chinese renminbi and listed on either the Shanghai or Shenzhen stock exchanges). The FTSE China Capped Index also includes certain securities listed outside of the PRC known as N-Shares (issued by companies incorporated in certain foreign jurisdictions, which are controlled, directly or indirectly, by entities, companies or individuals in the PRC, derive substantial revenues or allocate substantial assets in the PRC and are listed on the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ or the NYSE MKT), Red-Chips (issued by companies incorporated in certain foreign jurisdictions, which are controlled, directly or indirectly, by entities owned by the national government or local governments in the PRC, derive substantial revenues or allocate substantial assets in the PRC and are listed on the Hong Kong Exchange), P-Chips (issued by companies incorporated in certain foreign jurisdictions, which are controlled, directly or indirectly, by individuals in the PRC, derive substantial revenues or allocate substantial assets in the PRC and are listed on the Hong Kong Exchange) and S-Chips (issued by companies incorporated in certain foreign jurisdictions, which are controlled, directly or indirectly, by entities, companies or individuals in the PRC, derive substantial revenues or allocate substantial assets in the PRC and are listed on the Singapore Exchange). FTSE Russell determines eligible securities for the FTSE China Capped Index based on measures such as the companys place of incorporation, listing country, investor protection regulations present in the country of incorporation, tax domicile, location of headquarters/factors of production and currency of denomination.
Top ETF Holdings
SymbolNameShare %
HKTencent Holdings Ltd14.3%
IEPDD Holdings Inc4.48%